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Is There Still Time for a Tune-Up?

man fixing heater

The winter season around here has not been nearly as rough as it has been in some other parts of the country. But that does not mean that it has not been rough on your home’s heater. Depending on your heating needs and the way your house is set up, you may have put a good amount of miles on your furnace this winter. And while your furnace may still be in good working order there is a chance that it could use a little helping hand to wrap up the season. If this is the case it is a great time to look into scheduling furnace maintenance. Especially if you forgot to get this done in the fall.

Why Are We Talking About Maintenance Now?

Does it seem strange to be discussing furnace maintenance when we are about to switch over to our cooling systems for the year? It might and that’s okay. Furnace maintenance is usually a service that is taken care of in the fall. But not everybody remembers because we get busy and—let’s be honest—the last year was a lot.

Late maintenance is always better than none, especially if your furnace has seen a lot of action or in the past couple of months. Even if you were getting a furnace tune-up at the end of the season before you leave the system dormant for a while, it will still benefit you and the heater in the long run.

The Benefits a Late Tune-Up Can Provide

Even when it is provided months later than usual, a tune-up for your furnace can provide a good amount of perks. These include:

  • Improved efficiency: Furnace maintenance provides the ability for your system to use energy far more efficiently than before. This means no extra energy used when your system is trying to do its job.
  • Optimized operation: A tune-up is also going to help your furnace heat your home more effectively which means better heating power when it counts next season.
  • Fewer repairs: Repairs can mean a lot of time lost without warmth not to mention the cost. We are known for providing effective and affordable repairs but this doesn’t mean you should have frequent repair needs. Maintenance will help your system do its job without the need for repairs more often than needed.
  • Longer lifespan: Last but not least, regular furnace maintenance is going to help your system last for a longer amount of time, even if the service is knocked out later than usual. This can make the difference between the system needing to be replaced at 10-years-old or making it to the 15-year mark.

Come to Our Team for a Tune-Up

Do you need help with getting a tune-up for your furnace? Knocking this service out now can save you time and money next season. You can come to our team for the services you need. We are staffed by licensed and insured technicians and we will always offer upfront and honest pricing.

Contact Air On Demand to schedule your tune-up.
