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Is It Too Late To Get an AC Tune-Up?

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Summer is in full swing. This doesn’t mean that it is too late for maintenance though. Yes, maintenance is a task that is usually done in the spring season but if you haven’t had your system tuned up yet, now isn’t too late.

We want to tell you two things about AC maintenance in Miami: first, that it is highly important and, second, that you can have your system maintained as long as it is still operational.

With this in mind, if you were hesitating to schedule maintenance before today, we strongly advise scheduling an appointment now. While it may be late, let’s discuss why this service is still worthwhile.

4 Things That Make AC Maintenance A Great Investment

Too often we find that people underestimate just how big of a difference regularly scheduled maintenance can make for their air conditioner. Here’s what you can expect when you make sure to schedule this service (yes, even if it is late).

  • Reduces repair needs: When you schedule maintenance for your air conditioner each year, it can actually help to minimize the number of repairs that the system needs over the course of its lifespan. This is because it will address a variety of “small” problems and prevent them from escalating into full-blown repairs, saving you time and money in the long run.
  • Improves energy efficiency: One of the best things about maintenance is that it can improve your system’s efficiency. Without regular maintenance, you stand to lose up to 5% of your system’s efficiency each year. Preventing that efficiency loss can and will make a big difference over time!
  • Optimizes operation: You can also count on regular maintenance to help optimize how effectively your AC operates throughout the summer. This can end up being the difference between a system that has to struggle to cool your home and one that is able to adjust the temperature relatively easily.
  • Optimizes system lifespan: Did you know that a yearly tune-up makes a difference in your system’s lifespan? It’s true! Without maintenance, you may end up having an AC that barely makes it ten years before giving out. However, with regular tune-ups each year, you can get added lifespan of up to five extra years from your system.

Sign-Up For a Maintenance Plan and We’ll Help You Remember

We know there is plenty of things on your plate so forgetting to schedule maintenance happens. However, you can count on us not just to provide expert tune-ups but also to help you remember to schedule maintenance each year. How? By signing up for our maintenance plan!

We don’t just stop there though. Our maintenance plan offers a great number of benefits to members which can include:

  • Service discounts
  • Added warranties
  • Repair guarantees
  • And more!

It isn’t too late!

You can reach out to Air On Demand today to enjoy a maintenance service that will ensure your AC is able to perform properly all summer long and you can sign up for our maintenance program today to take advantage of added benefits.

Contact the experts at Air On Demand today for expert AC services throughout Miami.
