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Whining Sounds and Air Conditioning Repair in Miami, FL


All air conditioning units make noise, and most of the time they become part of the normal background noise in your home. Sometimes, however, they may make unusual noises – or unusually loud noises – which indicate a problem with operation. Air conditioning repair in Miami, FL is a serious matter, since a home without AC will be very uncomfortable during the hot months. When a whining sound rises in your unit, it could stem from a number of sources. All of them benefit from the prompt attention of a qualified professional.

  • One likely cause of a whining noise comes from one of the motors, such as the fan motor. It may have a broken component inside its housing, which can require you to replace the whole motor. The fan belt, too, might make a squealing noise if it is not aligned properly or has the wrong tension (too tight or too loose).
  • Whining or grinding can also arise from the blower fan itself. If it’s loose from its housings or one or more of the blades is bent out of shape, it might come into contact with another component in the air conditioning, resulting in an unpleasant sound.
  • In some cases, the whining may come from a leak in the ducts or some other location within the air conditioning system. As air passes thought, it emits the sound, which can be carried by the ducts to anywhere in the household.

All of these conditions are serious enough to merit a service call from a trained expert. The Miami air conditioning repair experts at Air On Demand can respond quickly to your needs, and ensure that your air conditioning unit is running safely again before the next big heat wave hits. Contact the professionals at Air On Demand for quality professional care. We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and will go the extra mile to make sure you’re happy.
