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Miami Air Conditioning Guide: Simple Ways To Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency


As it begins to heat up in Miami, you need to make sure that your air conditioner will run all summer long. But more than that, you also need to make sure that it’s running efficiently so that you’re not wasting energy and therefore not wasting money. Here at Air On Demand, we’re committed to informing our new and current clients about simple ways they can improve their air conditioning efficiency this cooling season. For more information, or to schedule an air conditioning maintenance in Miami, call us today!

Energy efficiency is not only about reducing costs in utility bills, but also about reducing the energy that each homeowner uses for cooling, which is especially high during the summer months. Here are some easy and simply ways to improve air conditioning efficiency:

  • Enroll in a maintenance plan. This is the best way not only to improve your efficiency, but also to extend the lifespan of your system, as well as improve your comfort. Annual tune-ups make your system run cleanly and efficiently by removing debris, lubricating parts, and performing comprehensive inspections. Members of our maintenance plan also enjoy repair discounts, priority service, and no overtime charges. It’s a cost-effective way to boost your AC efficiency.
  • Clean your air filter. Your air filter prevents pollutants and debris from entering into your indoor air, but when they become dirty or clogged, they can actually impede the passage of cool air. This can cause increased moisture in your system and in general causes your system to work that much harder. Cleaning or replacing your air filter is an important and simple step to maintaining indoor air quality and efficient performance.
  • Install a programmable thermostat. These are excellent ways to customize your indoor temperature to certain times of the day and days of the week. It also improves efficiency by permitting automatic and gradual shifts in temperature, as well as turning your cooling on and off automatically, depending on your work schedule.

These are some simple ways to improve air conditioning efficiency in your Miami home. For AC maintenance, call Air On Demand today. 
