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Humidity and Air Conditioning in Miami, FL


One of the first things people think of when they hear the name “Florida”—aside from sunny vacation spots—is the humidity. The moisture in our air can be very heavy, especially during the summer, but it’s something we have to live with during the rest of the year as well. Your air conditioner also has to live with it, and humidity presents specific problems that can damage your AC or prevent it from providing you with a constant and energy-efficient level of cooling.

Any of these troubles could leave you with a struggling AC, or no AC at all. Look to Air On Demand and our experienced work on air conditioning in Miami, FL for help if any of these problems appear:

  • Biological pollutants: The growth of bacteria and other irritants is a serious concern in a humid climate. The dark and moist places inside the ducts of your air conditioning are a prime region for unwanted biological pollutants to develop. If the growth isn’t checked, it can lead to reduced air quality and possible damage to the AC’s components. The best way to combat this contamination is with professional installation of UV germicidal lights, which both kill microbacteria and discourage it from returning.
  • Corrosion in the ducts: You’ve probably seen what moisture can do to metal: corrosion and rust. If this occurs inside your ducts, it can lead to breaks. Breaks are responsible for many problems, from poor air quality  to an overworked AC. It’s hard to see the inside of your ducts to know if they are developing these problems, but if hot air with an unusual smell starts to come from your vents, duct breaks may be the culprit. Get a professional in as soon as possible to diagnose what’s wrong.

The best path to protect your air conditioner from the humidity is to have it regularly maintained. Get in touch with our qualified experts at Air On Demand today before the problems start.
