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Upgrades to Consider with Air Conditioning Installation


Purchasing a New Air Conditioning System May Be a Big Investment, but the Upgrades You Choose Upon Installation Can Save You a Lot of Money Every Month. Choosing to Replace an Older System May Be a Positive Experience When You Upgrade to an Air Conditioner With a High Seer or Replace Your Older Thermostat With a Digital, Programmable Model, Both of Which Are Available When You Choose Air Conditioning Installation in South Miami With Air On Demand.

High Seer

If you need a new air conditioner, you can select a system with a high SEER, which means you’ll notice immediate savings. The SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) is a measure of an air conditioner’s efficiency calculated by dividing the cooling capacity of an AC by its total energy consumption. This rating system is printed on the Energy Guide of every air conditioning system. The efficiency of an air conditioner reduces over time, and newer systems generally have much higher SEERs than older systems.

Digital, Programmable Thermostats

Some people choose to keep their older thermostat with new AC installation, but if you’re holding onto a manual thermostat with dials and sliders, you may lose money and sacrifice some comfort. These thermostats are often difficult to read and calibrate, so you may never get the temperature set to where you want it. Furthermore, these thermostats may cost you. Even if you set the temperature only one or two degrees lower than you need it, you will spend much more on cooling costs than you should.

A new, programmable, digital thermostat can help save you money and can keep you more comfortable in your home. Digital thermostats are easier to read for greater accuracy, and programmable thermostats allow you to set the temperature to your preferences far in advance. Rather than keep the air conditioner on when you leave the house, you can set the thermostat to come on thirty minutes before you arrive to reduce energy consumption.

To install an AC in South Miami, ask the experts at Air On Demand which upgrades are best for your home. To see more energy savings with your new air conditioner, give us a call today!
