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How Can a Ductless Air Conditioning Installation Save Me Money?


Here in Doral, FL, you need a reliable air conditioner to keep your home cool all summer long. However, your current air conditioning system might be costing you a lot of money in the summer months. If your home AC system causes your energy bills to soar this summer, consider a ductless system to cut down on your energy consumption.

If you decide a ductless mini split system is best for you, contact Air On Demand for ductless air conditioning installation service.

What Is a Ductless Mini Split System?

A ductless mini split system provides a flexible solution for both cooling and heating your home. It’s divided into two parts: an outdoor compressor/condenser unit and one or more indoor units. Instead of using ducts throughout the home, multiple indoor air handlers can be installed in different rooms or zones to provide varied temperatures in each area.

The size of these indoor air handlers contrasts significantly with those utilized by central air units and heat pumps.

How Can a Ductless System Cut Energy Bills?

One way that ductless mini split systems help you to save money every month on your energy bill is by allowing you to control the temperature of each room. If your family is gathered in the living room, for example, you may choose to adjust the temperature in areas of the home that are not in use to cut cooling costs.

Another way a ductless system helps you save on your energy bills is by cutting potential energy loss associated with AC systems that utilize ducts. Faulty or leaky ductwork accounts for a large percentage of energy loss, forcing central AC systems to work harder to compensate and costing you more on your energy bills.

To start saving money on your energy bills with a ductless air conditioning installation, contact Air On Demand today!
