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Why You Need Pool Heater Maintenance This Fall


If you own a pool, you probably already know how much work it is to keep it in good condition. Pools require a lot of vacuuming, filtering, and fishing out debris to ensure an optimal swimming environment. One thing that not a lot of homeowners think about, however, is pool heater maintenance. After all, pools tend to see the most use during the summer, where heating is hardly necessary. As winter approaches, however, it behooves you to make sure that your heater is in good condition. Here are some of the reasons to conduct pool heater maintenance this fall.


Just like furnaces, boilers, and other home heating systems, pool heaters are most susceptible to breakdowns during periods of heavy usage. This is obviously going to be during the winter months, as very few people are going to want to swim in sub-fifty degree water. Fall maintenance ensures that your pool heater is in top working order right before you’ll be using it the most, decreasing the chances of an inconvenient and costly breakdown.


If a problem is discovered with your pool heater during regular maintenance, it usually isn’t that difficult or expensive to fix. Problems that are left alone, however, tend to get progressively worse until they cause a breakdown or other more serious issues. As is the case with other home maintenance, the longer you ignore potential problems, the worse they will get.

This is especially true in winter, where a broken pool heater makes your pool more or less unusable until you get it fixed. Pool repairs of any kind are rarely cheap, so by ignoring fall maintenance you also face the risk of a costly repair procedure.

A pool is a great thing to have as a homeowner. They provide exercise, entertainment, and relaxation year round, as long as they are kept in good condition. Don’t let yours incur problems that could have been avoided. Get your pool heater checked this fall.

If you haven’t had your pool heater checked yet this year, call Air On Demand. We offer quality pool heater services in the Doral, FL area.
