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When Should You Replace Your Air Conditioner?


Determining when your air conditioner should be replaced can be difficult when it hasn’t broken down completely. If there’s a chance that your air conditioner can be repaired, you have a tough choice to make when deciding whether or not it’s worth it. While this is a decision we think you should make with your local HVAC technician, we’ve provided a guide to a few of the times you can tell that your air conditioner should be repaired and not replaced.

When the Repair Costs Nearly Half as Much as a New AC

If you could buy a brand new air conditioner for about twice the price of the repair you need for your broken air conditioning system, it’s probably not worth it. The repair may not hold up for as long as you want it to because air conditioners are designed with matching components. The new component probably won’t be 100% compatible with the rest of the system, and the older worn down parts that are already there may only soon fail as well.

When You’ve Made Several Repairs for a Ten-Year-Old

As your system ages, parts just begin to wear out. After about ten years, it may just be best to install a new air conditioner so that your system does not fail when you need it the most. Your AC is not getting any younger, so if you seem to make far too many repairs each year, you may decide to replace it today to save you the hassle of a broken system.

When You Spend Way Too Much on Monthly Energy Bills

Air conditioning systems are perhaps the biggest contributors to any energy bill in our area. If your bills have increased each year and they seem to be much higher than your friends’ and neighbors’ bills, it’s a sign of a struggling system. A new high-efficiency air conditioner may save you hundreds of dollars a year.

Call Air On Demand today for air conditioning replacement in the Homestead area. We can find you an efficient system that will run just as you need it to throughout the year with the proper care and maintenance.
