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Are You Spending Too Much on Monthly Cooling Costs?


If you’re like most homeowners, the only thought you’ve put into your air conditioner this summer is which buttons to push on the thermostat. However, we think the state of your air conditioner deserves a little more attention this year, especially if you want to save on your monthly cooling costs. Here’s some advice to help you spend less.

Did You Schedule Maintenance This Year?

If you skipped an annual maintenance check this year, it’s not too late. Air conditioning maintenance helps your system run smoothly, which means that it can use less energy to run. When all of the parts are in good condition—the electrical parts tightened, loose screws taken care of and dirty coils cleaned—the AC can run at peak performance levels. This means that you’ll pay less money each month, and have a lower chance of repairs.

Follow These Additional Money-Saving Tips

Air conditioning maintenance is an important step in conserving energy, as is each one of the following steps.

  • Change the air filter – This allows the right amount of air to enter the AC unit, which allows the system to run just as it was designed to.
  • Keep the outdoor unit clean – Remove any large debris surrounding the outside unit and trim any hedges around it. Maintenance can handle any additional maintenance that must be done.
  • Open the vents – You might think that closing some of the vents in the home is a good way to save energy if a room gets too cold, but it can actually force the AC to run for longer and become overworked.
  • Run the air conditioner at an efficient temperature – Lowering the temperature won’t cool your house down any faster. Just find a temperature everyone can agree on (78 is an efficient suggestion) and try to maintain that setting while you are home (and raise it when you leave).
  • Upgrade your thermostat – If you’re still using an old manual thermostat with dials and sliders, go programmable today!

Call the friendly technicians at Air On Demand for helpful advice and air conditioning services in the Miami, FL area.
