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Can I Tune Up My Pool Heater on My Own?


*Air On Demand no longer offers pool heater services. Please visit our service page to learn more about our Florida air conditioning services.

When people picture the Florida climate, they probably assume that any home pool could do well without the benefit of a pool heater. However, as you well know, your swimming pool is simply not as enjoyable without it. Your pool heater allows you to make use of your investment no matter what the weather is like outside. However, if the heater is not in the best shape possible, it may not perform as well as you’d like.

When one part of your pool heater is not in top shape it simply cannot run as it was designed to. When just a little bit of refrigerant leaks, for example, you won’t get nearly as much power from your heater, as heat exchange is severely inhibited. Debris in the outside motor can delay heating ability and lead to a sudden breakdown which you may not notice until you jump into the pool on a cool day.

A simple tune up could keep such problems from occurring, especially when performed once a year by a professional. But some people would like to save some money and attempt pool heater maintenance on their own. The problem is that these systems are a bit more complicated than the average homeowner may expect. You’ll need a number of professional grade tools to check pressure levels, temperature output and efficiency. And without a working knowledge of heat pumps, knowing what to look for while disassembling the unit is simply too difficult for the average person.

Furthermore, attempting to work with a pool heater on your own may raise some concerns about safety. The average homeowner is not licensed to handle the most important aspect of a heat pump pool heater: the refrigerant. One must be licensed by the EPA in order to gain access to and dispose of refrigerant legally. And attempting to service a gas pool heater could prove dangerous.

At Air On Demand, our experts perform an 8-point pool heater maintenance check. This includes checking refrigerant levels, compressor performance, contactors, motors, and anything that might affect the efficiency of the system. They’ll let you know if you need to schedule any additional services, or if a replacement is soon in order.

Call Air on demand and ask about our pool heater maintenance in Palmetto Bay today.
