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Are You on an Annual HVAC Maintenance Plan Yet? 3 Reasons to Join!


If you have not yet joined an annual heating and air conditioning system maintenance program, you are missing out on a major opportunity to save in so many ways. A heating maintenance visit may sound simple. A professional shows up to your home and makes any necessary adjustments, cleans off components, and gives you a full report of any findings. However, the results of this maintenance visit may surprise you, especially if done each year through a maintenance plan. Here are three reasons to call your local heating and AC technicians today!

More Savings

One of the primary reasons to join a maintenance plan through a local company is to save money. An inspection of the system helps you to find problems before the heater or air conditioner breaks down. This means you won’t have to spend as much on repairs. Additionally, the system can run smoothly after a tune up, so you can save on your monthly bills as well.

Less Hassle

Schedule maintenance visits on your own time, so you don’t have to worry about heating or air conditioning repairs during extreme temperatures, when the system is most likely to fail. Additionally, a maintenance plan generally comes with scheduled visits twice a year that the company will call to confirm. That means you don’t have to worry about forgetting maintenance each year either.

Additional Benefits

A quality heating and air conditioning company will offer you more than just a cleaning and adjustment of your system. Paying a fee for maintenance services often includes additional benefits, like discounts on parts and services in the future. Our top-level maintenance plan, for example, includes guaranteed emergency service, 50% discounts on repairs, a three-year guarantee for our repairs, and some of the money you pay for maintenance can go towards a new replacement system.

Call us today to learn more about our maintenance plan in Palmetto Bay. Trust Air On Demand’s expert technicians for your next maintenance appointment.