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Tune Up Your AC System Today!


In other parts of the country, it may seem strange to schedule an air conditioning system tune-up in the fall. But in our part of the country, the heat just doesn’t quit. We need our cooling units to run in the winter, for those hot days when the only relief is an air conditioned room. That’s why we recommend an air conditioning system tune-up in the fall: to get your system prepared for the work ahead and to clear out any dirt and repair wear and tear that may have developed over the year.

The Steps of Maintenance

A maintenance visit is an involved process, in which the technician does much more than just check out the exterior of the unit. A thorough inspection involves opening up the system and examining components for damage. If there is any damage that needs to be addressed, you can schedule repairs for a later date. Otherwise, the technician will carry on with the 3 main steps of a maintenance visit.

  • Inspection
  • Cleaning (of coils and blower components)
  • Adjustments

These steps help to improve efficiency and performance. Your system will run better for longer without using so much energy to do so.

Why Schedule Service Today

With all the crazy weather we have been getting recently in the Southeast, your air conditioning system could use a tune-up. The rain and wind may have damaged the air conditioning system more than you would expect. There is the potential for corrosion in the system if you don’t get rusty parts replaced. And there’s a high chance that you need refrigerant leaks repaired, coils cleaned and some electrical connections examined.

Get in touch with Air On Demand today for an HVAC system tune-up in Miami, FL. We offer a maintenance plan for homeowners who want regular maintenance in order to keep the AC system in good shape for years to come.
