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Preparing for Your AC Replacement


So you know that you need a new air conditioning system, but you’re not sure where to start. We have some advice for you below so that you know what’s coming and what to do to prepare. The most important piece of advice we can give if you’re in the Palmetto Bay area, though, is not to stress! We’ve got you covered.

Work with a Company You Can Trust

One of the most important things you’ll do during the AC replacement process is call a team that you know you can trust to get the job done right. That means ensuring your technicians are qualified for the work. It also means that they have a history of providing excellent services and references to back them up. If the installation is done properly, your air conditioner operates more efficiently and lasts for longer than one that is improperly sized, lacks refrigerant, or has loose components.

Know Your Options

You should also be sure that you hear about many of your options before choosing. Be open to the idea of an air conditioner that costs more upfront but operates more efficiently. High-efficiency air conditioners can save you a whole lot of money over the years. There are systems with variable speed options, new Wi-Fi thermostats, and other features to consider as well.

Take the time to listen to your technicians and choose carefully. Remember, financing is available through most companies from a third party financial institution. The initial price when carried out via a payment plan is likely to be worth the extra cost when you see your energy bills.

Be Ready for a Long Day

Air conditioning installation and removal is no easy task. It’s going to take a long time, so be patient and be prepared to spend some time at home while you wait. If technicians brag about their faster installation times, they may not be doing a thorough job checking their work.

Call Air On Demand to learn more about our AC replacement services and schedule your installation today!
