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Benefits of a Spring AC Tune-Up

AC technicians working on a unit

Spring is a time for perfect temperatures and beautiful weather…when it’s not raining, of course. In our business, it’s called the “shoulder season,” when neither air conditioners or heaters are getting a major workout. We don’t expect too many air conditioning or heating repair calls at this time, but we do hope to receive one service call in particular—for the good of your air conditioner.

Spring is coming up, which means it’s the perfect time for a tune-up. Air conditioning tune-ups from professional technicians truly do benefit you, your budget, your stress levels, and the air conditioner. We give some examples in the guide below, but reach out to our team to learn more and sign up for our maintenance plan!

Your air conditioner is worn out

Air conditioners and heat pumps see year-round use in our area, which means the components can wear out quite quickly. Without regular maintenance, worn-down parts stay that way, never getting the attention they deserve. A spring tune-up is designed to both catch and prevent this wear-and-tear early—preferably early in the spring—so that your air conditioner is in the best condition possible when you need it.

Maintenance involves a technician showing up to your home to check on your cooling equipment and provide a thorough tune-up as needed. An inspection is followed up by tasks like cleaning coils and tightening electrical connections. You will be told if anything is in need of repair or further service. This benefits your home and systems in so many ways!

Detect Repairs Sooner

The sooner you catch a repair, the easier it is to get the problem under control. However, it can be difficult to determine, on your own, whether an air conditioner really does need minor repairs. With professional maintenance, you know about problems sooner, so you can schedule service now instead of waiting for the system to break down when you need it.

Prevent Major Repairs

You can also prevent repairs from happening in the first place! The tune-up is designed to target areas of your air conditioner that tend to break down frequently. Electrical connections are tightened up, coils are cleaned, and components are returned to near-factory fresh condition!

Save Money!

You can save money on your monthly bills with a tune-up that helps equipment run smoothly. Minor wear and tear can be reversed to an extent with each maintenance service, which means your system does not have to struggle and may require much less energy to operate.

You save even more when your contractor offers a maintenance program to loyal customers. Signing up for our maintenance plan, for example, gives you regular tune-ups as well as 15% discounts whenever you need repairs throughout the year.

Keep Your System for Longer

You can keep your system operating for longer when you have tune-ups each year, from the beginning of your system’s life. It’s not too late to start, though. Your air conditioner has a better shot at lasting for longer when you have it professionally fine-tuned each year.

Prevent air conditioner and heat pump repair in Miami, FL with Air On Demand.
