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When To Consider a Ductless AC

remote control pointed at ductless ac unit

The importance of a good air conditioner in a Florida home cannot be understated. Not every home is built the same though. If you have been struggling with a window air conditioner or, worse, trying to use fans to keep cool, then it is a great idea to consider your AC system options.

For those individuals who feel boxed in because they don’t have ducts or can’t add them to their homes, we have good news. There is still an AC system available to your home that will trump anything a window unit could offer.

For unique home layouts or for unique home cooling needs, a ductless AC in Palmetto Bay, FL can offer an ideal solution. Learn more below.

Why a Ductless System Might Be a Great Fit For Your Home

Ductless air conditioners live up to their name! These systems consist of an outdoor condenser connected to a certain number of air handlers. This setup allows the system to provide your home with effective cooling without having to rely on ductwork to deliver the air. What’s more, ductless AC units are highly efficient, helpful space savers, and they even provide natural zone control.

The one thing that is good to know ahead of time for these systems is that they are more expensive to install than some others. However, what is spent on the installation is going to go right back into your pocket thanks to the reduced energy bills you’ll see once you start using your new system.

Added Situations When This System Can Be Helpful

As the name suggests, a ductless air conditioner is going to be highly helpful in providing comfort in homes that don’t have ducts. But that doesn’t mean this is the only situation they are great for. You may also want to use a ductless AC in some of these cases as well:

  • When you have ducts in disrepair: Yes, it is true! Even if you have ductwork, you can make the switch to a ductless system if you can’t afford to keep up your ductwork. This also helps you avoid some of the air quality issues that can come with poor ductwork.
  • You have an area of the home that doesn’t get enough air: It might be one room or even a whole floor that you just can’t seem to cool properly. This might be due to the poor layout of your ductwork. You can install a ductless AC for an effective and efficient solution to the problem.
  • You have a unique space that needs cooling: Does your attic serve as an office or guest space? Maybe you work from your garage. Or perhaps you have a small guest house on your property. These are unique spaces that are a great match for ductless units.

Still not 100% sure if you would benefit from a ductless air conditioner? You can ask our technicians any questions you may have and book an expert installation with us too.

Contact Air On Demand today.
