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Air Conditioning in Miami Question: Why Does My AC Keep Turning On and Off?


Short cycling is the term for when your AC keeps turning on and off. It can be incredibly frustrating, produce inadequate amounts of cool air, and reduce energy efficiency. While it can be difficult to diagnose, there are some common reasons for short cycling. The most important thing to remember is that inspection, diagnosis, and repairs should be carried out by a certified professional, in order to ensure that you are satisfied with the work that has been done and that the problem is solved, not just temporarily patched up.  For air conditioning in Miami, including repair, installation, and maintenance, call Air On Demand today!

So, why does your AC keep turning on and off? Let’s review some possible culprits:

  • Electrical problem. Your AC requires a steady stream of electric current to operate smoothly. It needs to have adequate load and its electrical connections need to be free and clear of any potential damages. If there is a fault somewhere, your AC may turn on and off frequently. It can also occur if it constantly blows fuses and trips the circuit breaker.
  • Leaking refrigerant. Your AC depends upon a pressurized cycle of refrigerant, which circulates through a system of coils and valves, absorbing heat and dissipating it. If there is a leak somewhere within this cycle, it can quickly lead to short-cycling as well as inadequate cooling. Make sure that a professional handles any refrigerant level adjustments.
  • Frozen coils. If you have a clogged air filter, your evaporator coils can quickly become frosted over. When this happens, your AC may need to defrost, and therefore be subject to turning on and off. It’s important that your system remains free of any dust and debris at all times.
  • Inappropriately sized system. If your AC is too large for the volume of air in your household, then it may short cycle frequently. An inappropriately sized system can also lead to excessively cold air, lack of temperature adjustment, and decreased energy-efficiency.

If your AC constantly turns on and off during the cooling season, it can negatively affect your energy efficiency as well as reduce system life. For AC Repair in Miami, including repair, maintenance, and installation, call Air On Demand today! 
