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The Benefits of Sheet Metal Ducts


Ducts are necessary for forced-air air conditioning and heating. The ducts in your home serve as a pathway, so that conditioned air can travel into every room in your home. Duct installation is a long and involved process that requires careful planning, precise measurements, and the right type of tools and level of expertise. And you’ll need to select the right type of duct for the job.

Sheet metal ductwork is the most common type of ductwork installed in homes, but it’s not the only type. Some technicians prefer fiberglass duct board, while others prefer flexible ducts. So why does sheet metal remain king? Let’s take a look in today’s guide to installing new sheet metal ductwork in Homestead.

Proven Effectiveness

The main reason to choose sheet metal ductwork is that it is proven to be effective. If you have a new home or an existing home that needs a good set of ducts, sheet metal ductwork is long-lasting and durable. When installed correctly and properly maintained, you may not need any repairs for a long period of time.

Sheet metal ducts have a couple of other benefits as well. Many technicians find that they’re easier to install. There are so many sizes and types of fittings available that sheet metal ductwork should be efficient in nearly any home. Sheet metal ducts can stay cleaner for longer and won’t collect dust as easily as fiberglass duct board.

The Importance of Professional Installation

What you should always keep in mind is that professional installation is key to ducts that run efficiently. Without the right technician for installation, you may notice many problems with your air conditioning and heating system. Most homes have a problem with leaky ducts, which can cause an air conditioner or heater to run up to 30% less efficiently. Often, this is due to amateur installation rather than the work of a skilled HVAC contractor specializing in sheet metal ducts.

Call the experts at Air On Demand for installation of new sheet metal ductwork in Homestead. We install, repair, and seal ducts so that your air conditioning and heating system runs in the most efficient manner possible.
