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How UV Light Benefits Your Home


The air filter in your HVAC (heating and air conditioning) system is an important part of staying cool, comfortable, and healthy. It keeps particles from damaging your AC system and recirculating in the air you breathe. But an additional system is necessary if you want to protect your home from the smallest and most damaging of airborne contaminants. And a system that uses UV light may be just the solution for your home, especially if household members suffer from asthma or severe allergies.

How Does It Work?

The way UV light works in your HVAC system is actually quite simple. As air blows through your HVAC system, it moves over the UV light before moving back to the vents around the home. A small amount of UV light kills and sterilizes very small organic matter, so the air is sterilized as it passes the light.

What Can It Get Rid Of?

UV light kills off airborne organisms, tiny living things like bacteria and viruses. Many systems contain a UV light as well as additional filters or electronic components that help to eliminate even more pollutants from your air. Take a look at how this helps your home!

  • Viruses/Bacteria: Viruses and bacteria can spread illnesses and cause respiratory trouble, but UV light can sterilize these microorganisms so that they are no longer harmful to breathe in.
  • Mold: Mold spores are particularly troublesome to those with asthma, and the spread of mold can wreak havoc on your home. Take mold spores out of the air with a UV light air purifying system.
  • Odors: UV light purifying systems can even help to get rid of unpleasant odors, like those from pets or cooking, especially if you choose a system like the highly effective Guardian Air by RGF.

Call the Homestead, FL indoor air quality specialists at Air On Demand today, and ask about the line of indoor air quality products available from RGF.
