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3 Signs You Need AC Repair ASAP


Our Miami AC repair specialists know first-hand that waiting too long to schedule service can result in a system that is in worse shape than when you first noticed the problem. A faulty AC system has internal issues that could eventually force it to break down, and repairing the broken system may cost much more than fixing one broken piece. Pay attention to the following signs that you need AC repair ASAP.

  • You notice that temperatures have started to rise. So it’s not taking that big of a toll on your comfort or your family’s well being. You can still get comfortable even though the temperature on the thermostat does not match the room’s climate. However, this problem can be serious. It indicates that something is wearing down, whether it’s an electrical problem or a dirty coil. In any case, if you let it go on for too long, then additional parts can also wear down and your system may be in a very poor state by the end of the season.
  • You hear noises from the system. This is never a good sign. Of course, the outside unit of your AC system is often loud, but this is due to a large fan and motors in the system that make a noise you’re probably used to. When you hear noises coming from the vents or the AC unit, call a technician so that the problem cannot progress.
  • There’s ice on the inside portion of the system. Ice is not supposed to form on the evaporator coil of your unit, although this coil gets very cold during the cooling process. When ice develops on the coil, it blocks the system from absorbing heat from the air inside of your home, and this is a key step in the refrigeration process.

Call Air On Demand for quality AC repair. Miami technicians are waiting for your call!
