The Right Questions to Ask an AC Company before Hiring Them
When you own a home, it’s important to have a company you can trust to perform any necessary cooling and heating services. With the right company on your side, you’ll know that heating and cooling repairs will be taken care of in a timely manner. You’ll be in contact with a company that’s familiar with your AC equipment and can ensure any issues are addressed properly.
Here’s how to find a great company to perform air conditioning service in your area, whatever your needs may be. Ask these questions, check credentials, and you’ll know there’s always a reputable contractor you can call if you need AC service.
Do You Provide Upfront Pricing?
This is an important one. Sometimes, a contractor’s hourly pricing may seem reasonable, but the hours add up quickly. You might end up paying way more for the service than you thought you would when a technician takes much longer than expected on the job. Look for a company that offers upfront pricing, and you’ll know you’ve picked an honest contractor.
Can I Finance a New System?
Many quality contractors allow you to apply for financing. Easy payments make any installations or replacements you need in the future a lot more affordable.
Are You Licensed and Insured?
If not, you could potentially be liable for injuries a technician incurs on your property! Check that the company is licensed and insured, and know that the technicians on your property are actually certified to be there. We recommend hiring NATE-certified technicians, as these will be more likely to know the ins and outs of any system.
What Sort of Maintenance Plans Do You Offer?
We would recommend signing up for an HVAC maintenance program to any homeowner with air conditioning or heating equipment on the property. With annual maintenance visits, your systems are protected from damage, may operate more efficiently, and might not need repair for the most extreme temperatures. In addition, many maintenance plans allow homeowners to take discounts on service and repair work.
Contact Air On Demand for quality service from technicians you can trust in Miami, FL