You Know What Can Withstand a Hurricane? Your Ductless System!
With hurricane season on its way, you want to be absolutely sure that you’ve done everything you can to protect your home and your comfort. Therefore, it is quite important that the HVAC system you’ve got in place is one that is going to be able to withstand the severe weather conditions.
Fortunately, owning a ductless system gives you quite a bit of an advantage over homeowners who don’t. Why? Because these systems are able to keep you and your family cool and comfortable, no matter the weather outside. With one of these systems, you won’t have to worry so much about what happens when a hurricane blows through your area. Keep reading below to find out more!
How a Ductless System Can Help You Brave the Storm
Owning a ductless system certainly comes at an advantage during hurricane season. Why? Because utilizing just one or two of your indoor air handlers can keep you relatively comfortable! You see, a major power outage can end up wiping out your air conditioning system. And sure, while you may be thinking that your generator will be able to keep your AC running at full capacity, odds are, you are going to want to conserve power for the things that matter — like keeping your food fresh and your lights on.
But when you own a ductless system, you’ll be able to operate it using minimal power from your generator. This is because you can run just one or two air handlers at a time, allowing for comfort, even during the toughest tropical storms!
Any Other Benefits of a Ductless System?
Why, yes! There are plenty of benefits of installing a ductless system in your home, including:
- Versatility: A ductless system is able to both heat and cool your home, allowing for year-round comfort. All you’ve got to do is flip a switch to take your system from “heating mode” in the winter to “cooling mode” in the summer!
- Convenient Installation: Installing ductwork can be a difficult and expensive process depending on the layout of your home. Some homes might not have the space for ductwork, so a ductwork system can be a great alternative. Installing a ductless system is less invasive, cheaper, and can be completed in as little as one day.
- Cost: Why worry about servicing two different HVAC systems? When you go ductless, you will no longer have to worry about costly repairs and untimely replacements for both a heater and an air conditioner.
- Energy Efficiency: Because ductless systems do not utilize a network of ducts, they avoid the energy losses associated with duct leaks. A breach in a forced-air system’s ducts can account for more than 30% of energy waste. A ductless system can save you a ton of money on your utility bills.
- Call in a Professional: If you are interested in learning more about how ductless air conditioning can benefit your home, be sure to speak with a certified HVAC contractor in Miami, FL!
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